My name is John, so happy to find that steampunk is alive and kicking on the internet! Recently me and the team I'm consulting for released a mobile game for Android and iOS, it is a steampunk themed, post-apocalyptic, airship battle game. Right now it's on beta and I'd love to get your feedback, and any kind of input for anything you'd like to see added in the game. There is no monetization implemented yet, so everyone can test the game in it's very basic form. More info on our website: Exile...
Greetings, ladies and gentlemen! I'm happy to invite you to test my latest steampunk creation: the Underwater world of Steampunk Idle Spinner game. This is the fifth world of the game and it was the most requested addition according to the poll, which was run in the Steampunk Idle Spinner community on facebook.
Hi everyone, my name is James I'm a civil war reenactor (known as DeadEye by my friends so I guess that can be my SteamPunk character as well). However, I went to the ECCC 2018 yesterday and was blown away by the steampunk presence and instantly fell in love, especially since one was chatting with me about history which I'm a huge fan of. I want to know how to start this new adventure/hobby in my life, I have a couple of friends who have been doing Steampunk for years, though I want a second...
What works of steampunk genre are most realistic, this means they portray steam powered technology that is practical and can be built in 19th century conditions?
We are a group of metal smiths and love to replicate finest antique armour helmets with details. We need to find rare images of historically accurate armor helmets and other metal items for recreating them.
Hi all! It's so quiet here. I just wanted to share this calendar of steampunk events for the upcoming year:
I just discovered Steampunk R&D and wanted to introduce myself. I'm a journalist who writes mostly about media, technology and graphic design. I've been a steampunk fan for a long time but recently attended my first steampunk con, Clockwork Alchemy in San Jose. I just posted a slide show on my personal website. The site has a "steampunkish" look, though it's not what I would call "full-frontal steampunk." I'll be interested to see what folks are up to on this website.
Hi guys! I recently joined Steampunk R&D and it seems like the website has many cool pages. It looks like I'll learn quite a bit about steampunk here. I'm a steampunk author who would like to meet other science fiction fans. My book series is called The Post-Apocalyptic Society and the first installment was released this year. I'm going to check out Steampunk R&D some more and I'm sure this will be an interesting experience.
A Traveling Dime Museum of Dr. Gulkoff (a distributor of therapeutic tonics and a printer of pleasing paraphernalia) welcomes visitors and voyeurs since MMXVI.
I've been a fan of Steampunk for awhile now, but I haven't really gotten in to it. That is, before I discovered this page! I've been having an absolute blast browsing the pages here. The things I love most about Steampunk are the Blimps, the Guns, the Technology, and Bioshock Infinite. I sort of like finding cool blueprints on Google Images and hanging the up on a pin-board in my room. I really enjoy making my Nerf Guns Steampunk, and impressing my friends with them. Anyway, I guess that's it....
I'm pretty much brand spanking new to Steampunk, having only started looking into it a few weeks back. One thing I've got to say is that I love the range of skills people have, their creativity, and most of all, Steampunker's willingness to help others with advice or tips on how to develop their skills in all sorts of areas.
Hi friends, I build a steampunk theme online store which sells some DIY materials, such like gears, old watch movement etc, the problem is I didn't find similar online shop so I don't know if my products are too expensive, I want to sell them at a competitive price, so can you have a look at them and tell me do think if they are expensive?(compared with other shop both online/offline), Great thanks to you. link Below
My name is Melissa I'm 19, but everyone calls me Ghost,so please call me Ghost,thank you kindly. I collect oddities: wet specimens, old medical devices,old things to do with death like emalbing jars, taxidermy, bones and the list goes on. I fell in love with Steampunk after coming across a photo of a women in the clothes online when I was 7. I always, even as a kind, dressed odd and strange. Today I have more punk/Steampunk style-well more casual steam.I don't want to clog this form up so If...
Im designing my own steampunk costume and I'm not sure if I can use suede that I bought on sale from an upholstery warehouse. I also have suede leather which is definitely different. Im just not sure what fabrics are most authentic to use for this.
Hi, I'm Daniëlle, working mum of two boys (2 and 5) and Fantasy-reader since I cannot even remember. Love just about everything Pratchetty, which seems to have a lot in common with Steam Punk (especially his later Discworld Novels Raising Steam f.e) which is why I'm drawn to this like a moth, I guess
so here is my first go at making some steampunk stuff, bought it for £3 off ebay, started black and boring, ainted with copper modleing paint then gold gilding wax.
Just a quick Hi, the wife and I went to comic con the other week and were blown away by the steampunk people there, looks like a great idea so here I am, hoping to get ideas and inspiration and who knows might even make some new friends. I'm working on my hat and have some ideas for a gun, the wife is into anything craft like so hopefully we can make some respectable steampunk stuff, soooo many ideas sooo little time.
i am doing a lot of reading with regards to steampunk. i was in whitby last weekend and saw some steampunk people. and i thought oh my i really like that. so i am a very very new steampunk convert. i was a massive fan of the wild wild west back in the day, and wondered if its possible to be a gunslinger steampunk? any help you guys could give me with regards to costuning ect would be a great help.
Hello! My name is Nadia Wolfbane and I am very new to this style. I've read books and such but can't seem to get my ideas to come to life. Halloween is rapidly approaching and my daughter suggested finally doing a steampunk costume. I do not have one however and need help on how to make these pieces I already have work. I hope y'all can help me! I also hope this link works as this is not letting me add a photo from my phone...??
My wife and I are just starting down the unique path of steampunk interest and enthusiasm. Two of my friends have also picked up an interest since we've begun; all of us liking the concept, but watching it from a distance since it's beginnings. It changed for us when at a rennaissance faire we discovered how cheaply one can do steampunk by talking with several people that were in such garb. We are from Northwest Ohio. I'm not sure if there are any other steampunkers in our area, but if anyone...
For creating my costumes I try to use only authentic materials, such as old leather, steel, brass, copper, wood and glass. Nearly nothing is glued, most parts are reversible connected with screws.
I have recently found myself drawn into another world, one where history is different from what I am used to, where gasoline engines never surpassed steam. It is a world I have longed for and scarcely could have imagined its true potential... I hope that I find many new friends among you, and that I am able to offer as much as I absorb...
I had attend many Steampunk faires and best part of these Steampunk Faires is to see unique costumes and ideas. I like few Women's Steampunk Costumes and tried to collect them.
This ship is over 4 ft. long with many moving parts all run from a live steam engine. There are two videos, one more detailed about the story and one blog showing how it was built. Hope you enjoy.
Here a french stop-motion short about a wanderer in a steampunk universe. He's about to meet a strange creature, a mermaid. Inspired by fantasy and fairground art, it's a small student try made with fun.
I Am Going to Participate in an Steampunk Faire in April and Planning to Wear Archangel Costume but not able to decide what weapons or props I can use, any creative suggestions are welcome.
Hello to all fellow steampunks, I'm a long time lover of all things steam and old school mechanical technology related and the golden era of that technology. I intend to be pottering around and picking up a few ideas off posts before I can finally afford to do something (curse the hell known as university student budget), but I do have a question that is pretty important to me. Has anyone ever actually made functional steampunk tech? I have some basic concepts on steampunk tech that includes...
My mom is a stained glass/jewelry artist who recently started making steampunk-inspired jewelry. She's made about 100 pieces so far, and would love to hear from you if you like her work, or would like to own some.
hi guys my names Griffin and im new to the world of steampunkim currenly working on my first steamsonaA monster hunter named Ivan Bloodrich (blud-rick)id be happy to take any advice on propmaking
Well . . . yo, I'm Regan! I stumbled upon this site a couple of weeks ago, but have been an avid steampunk enthusiast (?) since I was, like, seven (all of six entire years ago!). I started actually taking part in the world of steampunk and this summer's SweCon, but I had a hard time coming up with my costume, since most tutorials for steampunk costume design are written under the assumption you have the time and money to buy spray paint and Nerf guns and mod these things during the afternoons....
Hey guys! I stumbled across this site about a week ago or so in search of tutorials and inspirational DIY photos, and have found myself browsing through more than what I expected to be looking at. I've been into steampunk for as long as I can remember, but have never delved into it for myself. But now I feel I have the itch and the skill to satisfy that itch. I look forward to talking with many of you in the near future, and even more so about the information I have been gathering to put to use...
My apologies for my first post being a Kickstarter project, but our new non-collectible card game, Rocket Race, has been designed with the steampunk community firmly in mind.
Good evening, people! I'm not particularly new around these parts of the internet, but I've mostly been lurking around these forums without an account.
There are many opportunities to make Steampunk clothing. Clothing can be elegant and relate to the aristocrats of the 19th century. But Steampunk also can be rough and dirty, inspired by the adventurer from stories like 2000 miles under the sea or even movies like "Mad Max" or Wild "Wild West".. There are no rules how Steampunk has to look...
21-year old guy here and I've been into steampunk things for now quite some time. I'm going to buy in near future some stuff for myself : ), Have a good day!
Hi, I'm new here (in steampunk culture too) and I want to ask you some question.Firstly, are there any users from EU? I read some articles before and it looks like most of the people are from USA.