News: A Do-It-Yourself Singing Tesla Coil Kit

A Do-It-Yourself Singing Tesla Coil Kit

I happened across this in my Steampunk Facebook group, and I had to share. A company called oneTesla is running a Kickstarter campaign for a DIY singing Tesla coil.

Their Kickstarter is currently funded over 700%, but there are still twenty more days, so you can get in on it if you want. The kit comes with everything you need to build this Tesla Coil:

Personally, I'm going to have to pass on the full kit, which makes me kind of sad. However, I don't have the experience in electronics necessary to assemble a kit this advanced, and it would probably end up either a wasted $200+, or possibly just killing me outright.

That's a huge shame, because just look at how sexy this thing is:

So can someone out there please pick up my slack and order one of these? I'd love to see a tutorial on assembling one!


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